About DPT
Perfection through precision
Dutch Precision Technology (DPT) is the industry trade group for fine mechanical precision machining companies.
The specialists in precision machining
The companies affiliated to Dutch Precision Technology (DPT) are specialists in the full range of precision machining processes. DPT companies guarantee a broad knowledge of the various machining processes for workpieces in a variety of materials.
Each company is a specialist in its own field and is striving constantly to achieve better and more accurate results. If you belong to this group of specialists or you have a challenge for one of them, please contact us.

Dutch Precision Technology (DPT) is the industry trade group that promotes the advancement of quality and knowledge levels within the fine mechanical precision machining sector.
De branche activiteiten zijn primair gericht om de branche als geheel, de leden en hun bedrijfsactiviteiten op een hoogwaardige manier te profileren. Hierbij is het de taak/ verantwoordelijkheid van DPT om te zorgen voor een professionele invulling en het leveren van toegevoegde waarde. Te denken valt hierbij aan het collectief opkomen voor de branchebelangen waar een individueel lid zelfstandig geen invloed op heeft, bevordering van de (onderlinge) samenwerking, versterking van de individuele positie, werkgelegenheidsbehoud en instroombevorderingen door opleiding en scholing en versterking van de (internationale) marktpositie zijn hierbij de uitgangspunten.
Our mission
Dutch Precision Technology (DPT) has set itself a target to become the leading association in the Netherlands in the field of precision machining. The companies and businesses affiliated to Dutch Precision Technology guarantee expertise, quality, flexibility, years of experience, effective collaboration and a competitive pricing policy.
Our vision
The vision of DPT is to provide DPT members, in as far as there is a need for this and they are receptive to this, with high-quality collective sector-specific services and activities. The trade group activities are mainly focused on the improvement of quality and knowledge levels within the fine mechanical precision machining sector.
- To improve the image of the Dutch fine mechanical precision machining sector
- To stimulate technological innovations and the transfer of knowledge about this
- To initiate the creation of contact networks and collaborative projects
- To be the focal point for the provision of information, bringing members together to build closer relationships
- Optimising capacity (making use of each other’s capacity or expertise)
Core values

sharing knowledge

Wide network

Image improvement


Our customers
The members of Dutch Precision Technology deliver to all sectors of the industry and to leading members of the business community in the Netherlands and far beyond. DPT members are capable of meeting the most wide-ranging demands and requirements relating to the field of machining. They are able to respond to a wide variety of requests and to work with the most exotic materials. In addition, they have the necessary quality and expertise in-house to be able to make an effective contribution to your (product) development. Our members have a great deal of experience in almost all imaginable areas, directly or indirectly through trustworthy contacts, experienced in their specific fields. Many customers have a long-term relationship with one or more of the DPT companies. Each company is a specialist in its own particular field of precision machining. They often have similar machines, but are all active in various sectors of the industry or with different materials and they deliver their workpieces all over the world.

From idea to product!

DPT companies have the necessary quality and expertise in-house to be able to make an effective contribution to your (product) development and will be happy to discuss your plans with you from idea to product!
Engineering is an important part of the development of prototypes or the design and specification of products and workpieces. The cost price of a design/product is usually determined during the development phase. Many affiliated companies are used to conducting and implementing the engineering process from idea to product, also to determine whether a design will be a commercial success.
Veel klanten van DPT- leden maken onderdeel uit van de maakindustrie in binnen- en buitenland. Het economische en maatschappelijke belang van de precisieverspaners voor de maakindustrie is niet alleen onvoldoende bekend, maar wordt helaas ook onderschat. Tal van industrieën kunnen niet zonder de hulp van een verspaner. Denk hierbij aan de Voedingsmiddelenindustrie, Papierindustrie, Rubber- en kunststofindustrie, Defensie, Metaalindustrie, Machinebouw, Automotive, Halfgeleider industrie, Medische apparaten en Lucht- en ruimtevaart.
Iedere sector heeft zijn eigen vraag. De lidbedrijven zijn daarom ook gewend flexibel te zijn in levering, seriegrootte en type materialen. Dit resulteert in een juiste verhouding tussen prijs, levertijd en kwaliteit. Elk bedrijf heeft een eigen specialisme, gebaseerd op een jarenlange ervaring. Hiermee is een brede kennis van de bewerkingsprocessen van onderdelen, materialen en de assemblage van producten gegarandeerd. Zij zijn in staat een effectieve bijdrage te leveren aan uw capaciteit om te innoveren. Vanaf de start van de ontwerpfase kunnen zij met u meedenken en adviseren. Samenwerken met de specialisten van DPT betekent vernieuwen. Kortom: Samenwerken met de leveranciers van perfectie door precisie loont!
DPT promotes innovation and the exchange of knowledge so that our sector will be ready for a sustainable future in which we can offer our customers optimal services. Our customers and certainly the end users are specifying more and more requirements regarding sustainable manufacture. Nowadays, this is also high on the list of priorities on the social agenda. The well-known carbon footprint indicates how much energy the entire manufacturing cycle requires to use a raw material in a product. This is because energy consumption gives an indication of the potential greenhouse gases that can be released through the generation of energy. This starts with choosing the right materials and the production method during the engineering phase.
DPT members will be happy to discuss your plans with you from idea to product, also to determine whether a design will be a long-term commercial and also sustainable success!
Looking for a skilled professional:

The companies affiliated to Dutch Precision Technology (DPT) are specialists in the full range of precision machining processes. Each company is a specialist in its own field and strives constantly to achieve better and more accurate results.
I am a skilled professional

Join the leading industry trade group for fine mechanical machining companies. The members of DPT are also members of the Koninklijke Metaalunie. So-called extraordinary members can also join DPT. If you belong to this group of specialists or you have a challenge for one of them, please contact us.
Direct contact
Dutch Precision Technology is happy to be of further assistance.
Do you have a question or would you like to know more about our various machining options or membership? Then please fill in the form.
Yes, I want to become a member
If you would like to become a member of Dutch Precision Technology, please click on the button below to download the digital application form. Your application will be dealt with as quickly as possible after receipt. We will get in touch with you if there are any additional questions.